to everything, a season.
and a time.
From the newness of spring and the thrill of summer to the changing colors of fall and the stillness of winter, none of us are immune to life’s seasons. And as Christians, our perspective influences our journey through these ebbs and flows. An inspiring collection of reflections, To Everything: Seeing the Sacred in Ordinary Seasons and Common Days, is a testament to the presence of God in our daily lives, from the mundane to the momentous. It serves as a reminder to us that the seasons we often feel we are merely surviving are indeed sacred. And that it is within our humanity that our faith takes shape, not in opposition to it. With a combination of spiritual insight, candid reflection, and thoughtful prose, Dortch-Elliott conveys the beauty and wonder of discovering, experiencing, and embracing the sacred in every season, moment, and encounter. In addition to reflections, this book includes prayers and affirmations inspired by Scripture to support you in navigating the ordinary seasons and common days of your life.

"This practice of cultivating awareness coincides with the message of Ecclesiastes 3, which tells us that 'to everything, there is a season and a time.' The sacred is not limited to certain seasons of rejoicing or triumph; it is equally present in times of grief and loss. By acknowledging that there is a divine purpose and timing to every season, we open our eyes to see the sacred in all of life’s ebb and flow. When we live with this perspective, we transform our understanding of time itself beyond just as a series of moments to get through. We learn to trust that there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, and in each of these times, God is present."
Kayleon Dortch-Elliott, Author

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About the Author
Author of To Everything and It is Well, Kayleon Dortch-Elliott lives in North Carolina with her husband and children. With degrees in psychology and theology, her mission is to meet Christians in the margins of faith and everyday life. Through her words, she strives to underline a faith that was never meant to be abstract. If you like inspiring yet thought-provoking books on Christian faith and spirituality, you'll love her work.